2009年11月8日 星期日

RSC 臥虎藏龍之教師篇


Theodore C. Mahle, MFA

Arts Faculty
Theodore C. Mahle
Ted has been teaching drawing, painting and art history in various Rudolf Steiner College programs for many years. He received a BS in Art Education from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. For seven years he worked as a graphic designer in New York City, and took evening art courses at the School of Visual Arts. After taking the Foundation Year in Anthroposophical Studies at Emerson College, England, he completed a three year painting training, according to Rudolf Steiner's methods, from Beppe Assenza at the Goetheanum Painting School, Dornach, Switzerland, in 1976 (ERES MFA Equivalent). He was a teaching assistant in the school from 1975 to 1978. Then he was employed as a painting therapist at Sonnhalde Schulheim Curative Home, Gempen, Switzerland. Returning to the U.S. he directed the Arts Program, a year-long morning course in drawing and painting at Rudolf Steiner College from 1982 to 2003. He taught art in the Davis Waldorf School from 2003 to 2005 and continues teaching at the Steiner College and around the country. Please see Ted's website: www.outofthecolor.com for examples of his art work as well as student's work.

I was born in Australia where there were powerful nature forces and humans were a small minority. I lived on the warm Pacific Ocean, with fragrant breezes and tropical fruits. The light, air and water elements dominated my environment. Through my tough adolescent experiences, I longed to understand the soul and its individual journey to awakening. I read Rudolf Steiner when I was young and in his voice I found my teacher. At 20 at Emerson College, I discovered color through a slide presentation by Michael Wilson and later that year, saw my first paintings by Lianne Collot d’Herbois. My heart had found its guides, yet it took another 14 years of life experiences before I could deepen my understanding and painting out of the wisdom of Lianne Collot d’Herbois. It was not until the death of my fourth child that I could begin my training as a painting therapist following Lianne’s guidelines. Twelve years later, I now work in Fair Oaks, CA with small groups and individuals with light, darkness and color as both art and therapeutic experience. The artworks offered here have arisen from my classes with a group as we strive to make visible the truth of the color as human feeling. The struggle of the human soul for truth and peace through art is my life work.
因為華德福教育裡,老師的繪畫功力一定要被培養或訓練起來,否則日後畫黑板說故事時,牛變馬也是不太好啦!所以,我們的課程中,繪畫佔很大的比例。從溼水彩,到炭筆粉彩筆和紗畫Veil painting。除了畫,還有藝術史。這藝術史和一般我們所以知道的,可能有有些不同,因為我們是以Steiner 的觀點做切入的。而主要教我們的老師,就是泰德。

而其實我在入學之前就有上過他的紗畫工作坊,但是,他完全不記得。不過我對第一次畫Veil painting   的作品還蠻喜歡的,畫呀畫出母與子女們。


因為班上有同學是都沒畫過畫的,也有正科班出身,所以泰德也很有耐心的在調適與我們班相處之道。在台灣,我們當學生時,都是適應老師,哪有老師來適應學生的呢?話說回來,泰德還是有些事情是無法與我們來調適的。像是畫畫時可以說話,但是不可以哼歌,不用到歌,你才哼一個音,他就會馬上請你停止。同學和他爭論,他的理由是,他聽音樂和畫畫是分開來的。反正,在他的課堂是不行的。不過,泰德都是找很好的畫材讓學生使用。像上Veil painting時,更可以感到好畫紙的重要,因為顏色是一層乾了再上,紙一直處在溼溼乾乾溼溼乾乾的反覆狀態,如果用一般的紙可能就毛掉了。(這專業畫家吉仁也一定知道)工欲善其事,必先利其器,因此在做畫時,真是很專心的就和手上的顏色努力溝通,還要不時停下來冥想。三週的時間,也只夠完成一幅(捻花)。





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